Supporting Forcibly Displaced Students – A guide for personal tutors, academic advisors and supervisors
This guide was produced with support from GW4. It is intended as an introductory resource for anyone supporting forcibly displaced students in the UK. It was produced by Nick Gill, Isabelle Schafer, Katharina Lenner, Sin Yi Cheung, and Lisa Lucas. For more information, contact [email protected].

Personal Tutors – A guide for forcibly displaced students
This guide was produced with support from GW4. It is intended as an introductory resource for anyone supporting forcibly displaced students in the UK. It was produced by Nick Gill, Isabelle Schafer, Katharina Lenner, Sin Yi Cheung, and Lisa Lucas. For more information, contact [email protected].

Understanding the impact of university scholarships ad bursaries on asylum support
A resource by STAR (Student Action for Refugees) in partnership with the Asylum Support Appeals Project (ASAP) to clarify the impact of university scholarships on individuals in receipt of asylum support.

Responding to the crisis in Palestine: How UK universities can support Palestinian students, teachers, academics and institutions
The University of Sanctuary Steering Group and the University of Leicester compiled this resource document to help the UK HE sector support the Palestinian community. Click here to view the resource.

Eligibility criteria for Sanctuary Scholarships guidance notes
Universities of Sanctuary and STAR have put together a guidance document for Higher Education staff and practitioners around eligibility criteria for Sanctuary Scholarships. The guidance document gives an overview of key considerations to bear in mind when developing or redeveloping a scholarship programme.

Responding to the crisis in Ukraine
Student Action for Refugees, Universities of Sanctuary and Refugee Education UK have compiled guidance for universities on responding to the crisis in Ukraine.
The document summarises a selection of key ways in which the UK HE sector can support Ukrainian students, academics and institutions affected by the conflict.

Accessing home fees and student finance for students with humanitarian protection
This toolkit is designed for students in England who have been granted humanitarian
protection [HP] and who want to go to university.
This guide was produced by the Strategic Public Law Clinic, a joint initiative of Warwick
Law in the Community and the Central England Law Centre.