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Welcoming Forcibly Displaced Students: Guidance leaflets for Universities and Students

As part of our ongoing commitment to inclusivity and access, the GW4 Alliance is proud to share two new guidance leaflets developed by our colleagues from the South West University of Sanctuary Network.

The first resource, “A Guide for Supporting Forcibly Displaced Students in UK Universities,” is designed as an introductory toolkit for university staff and faculty looking to better support students who have been forcibly displaced.

Authored by Nick Gill, Isabelle Schafer, Katharina Lenner, Sin Yi Cheung and Lisa Lucas, this guide covers a range of topics, including:

  • Understanding the experiences and needs of forcibly displaced students
  • Identifying and removing barriers to access and participation
  • Providing holistic academic, pastoral, and wellbeing support
  • Developing inclusive policies and practices
  • Fostering a culture of welcome and belonging

The second leaflet is tailored specifically for students forced to flee their homes. It offers practical advice and information on navigating the university system, accessing support services, and building a fulfilling student experience.

Both guides draw on the expertise and insights of the South West University of Sanctuary Network. We encourage you to share these resources widely with your colleagues, fellow students, and any individuals or organizations supporting forcibly displaced individuals.

For more information or to get in touch with the authors, please contact [email protected].