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Online Event: Exploring Access to Higher Education in Scotland for Refugees and People Seeking Asylum 

Online Event: Exploring Access to Higher Education in Scotland for Refugees and People Seeking Asylum 

Tuesday 7th July 2020, 11am – 12 pm

Registrations open until Tuesday 30th June at 5pm

Register on Eventbrite here:

SCAPP and Universities of Sanctuary would like to start a conversation amongst widening access and participation colleagues across Scotland who have an interest in refugees’ and asylum seekers’ access to Higher Education

SCAPP (Scotland’s Community of Access and Participation Practitioners) is a cross-sectoral professional practitioners network supporting colleagues in Scotland engaged in widening access and participation activity, evaluation and research.

The involvement of widening access and participation colleagues is key to this endeavour, and we would like to understand the challenges faced in supporting refugees and asylum seekers in HE, identify areas of existing good practice, as well as identify questions and areas for development, with a view to organising a webinar later on this summer.

To register for this event please click on the Eventbrite link here  to join this initial informal discussion, meet colleagues from other universities in Scotland, and get the conversation started.